SAS Survival Handbook - Harper Collins

The ultimate guide to survival, this edition now includes the most essential urban survival tips for today, supplementing the fully updated original, bestselling handbook. With an added and up-to-date section on Urban Survival, ex-SAS survival expert John ´Lofty´ Wiseman classic guidance on how to survive on land, at sea, trekking in mountainous, desert or arctic regions, or in the midst of an unforeseen disaster, is now more thorough than ever.
Including updated sections on mobile phones, mobile video and the internet, this new edition will be the only survival handbook you'll ever need.

New contents include:
* How to Save the Planet
* Poison and Chemical
* Hazards in the City
* Safety in the Office
* Terrorism and Self Defence.
NavnSAS Survival Handbook
ForfatterJohn Wiseman
VarekodeAktive Guider
ForlagHarper Collins
Kun 3 tilbage

Pris: 269,00 kr

134,50 kr

forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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