Europe Railways - ITMB Publishing Ltd.

Although car rental travel is also popular, most maps of Europe do not show rail lines. Showing all passenger rail lines from western Ireland to east of Moscow and from Scandinavia to southern Italy is challenging. This map does a good job of showing high speed rail lines separately from regular lines, motorways and major highways, and all significant urban areas. It is a political map showing each country in a different colour, and grades cities by different dots (London and Paris being orange-ish blobs). By adding roads as well as rail lines (while placing the emphasis on rail travel), those parts of Europe not having rail connections can still be explored (think of Sardinia, Corsica, Malta etc.). Ferry routes are also shown and the E classification highways are noted.
NavnEurope Railways
Målestok1 : 3,35 mio
ForlagITMB Publishing Ltd.
125,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:Kan skaffes

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Om serien:

ITMB Publishing Ltd. - Travel Reference Map
ITM Et canadisk forlag med en omfattende kortproduktion - over 350 kort. Kortene dækker stort set hele verden. Deres force er kort til Afrika, Asien, Canada, Caribien, Euopa, Mellemøsten og Latinamerika. Til nogle lande laves også små vejatas i A5 format.

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