Dolomites Book 1: North and West: 35 long and short walks - Sunflower Books

This guidebook is an ideal companion for motorists and cyclists who want to tour the glorious countryside of the Dolomites by car, as well as those planning a summer holiday walking in the Dolomites. Even visitors who go for the skiing season will find it useful!

The book combines the best features of our ‘Landscapes‘ walking and car touring guides with all the detail you would expect in a hefty general guide. Coverage includes: getting there and getting about; accommodation and restaurants; practicalities A-Z; history; walks illustrated with large-scale maps; cycling routes; fold-out area map; detailed town plans showing locations of all sights, hotels and restaurants; many ‘feature‘ panels; 100 web addresses; lift opening times (summer and winter) with current prices.

Each chapter covers a specific area, with detailed information about the various towns and villages — from the ‘sights’ to lift opening times, local websites for more information, and restaurants (there are about 150 restaurant recommendations in the book). The main walks are described in the same chapters, but there are also detailed descriptions of dozens of other walking and cycling ‘tips’.

Area covered: the eastern Dolomites (east of the A22 motorway) rising in the provinces of South Tyrol, Trento and Belluno, plus an area outside the Dolomites — the eastern part of South Tyrol. The bordering cities of Bozen/Bolzano, Brixen/Bressanone and Bruneck/Brunico are also described, with town plans. (The book does not take in the Brenta Dolomites west of the A22 motorway.).

Walks in the book:

1 Eisacktal/Valle Isarco 34
Walk 1: Circuit from Kreuztal via the Telegraph on the Plose summit and the Ochsenalm 39
Walk 2: Around the Aferer Geisler/Odles Deores 45
Walking tips: Zanzer Alm and the Adolf Munkel Weg; ‘Kuchlkirchtag Walk’

2 Seiser Alm area/Alpe di Siusi 47
Walk 3: From Kastelruth to Seis via St. Valentin 51
Walk 4: From the Seiser Alm to Schlern and the Tierser Alpl Hut 55
Walking tips: Tisens and Tagusens; Puflatsch

3 The Rosengarten area/Catinaccio 59
Walk 5: Below the Vajolet Towers 66
Walking tips: ‘Elizabeth Promenade’; circuit round Lake Karer

4 Pustertal/Val Pusteria: the lower valley 69
Walking tips: Lindenweg from Mühlbach; Mills Nature Trail
at Terenten

5 Tauferer Tal and Ahrntal/Val di Tures and Valle Aurina 79
Walk 6: From Kasern to the Birnlücken Hut 86
Walking tips: Kofler zwischen den Wänden; Franziskusweg; Lake Klaus; Kehreralm; Krimmler Tauern; Cycling tip: from Bruneck to Sand

6 Antholzer Tal and Gsieser Tal/Val di Anterselva and Valle di Casies 88
Walking tips: Grentealm and Kumpfleralm; Lake Antholz

7 Hochpustertal/Alta Pusteria 93
Walk 7: From Lake Prags to the Seekofel Hut 99
Walk 8: Drei Zinnen/Tre Cime di Lavaredo 104
Walk 9: Rotwand/Croda Rossa di Sesto 106
Walk 10: Helm/Monte Elmo 107
Cycling tips: from Toblach through the Höhlensteintal; Pustertal cycle path between Mühlbach and Lienz

8 Grödner Tal/Val Gardena 108
Walk 11: From Seceda to the Regensburger Hut and Wolkenstein 114
Walk 12: Circuit round Langkofel/Sassolungo 120
Walking tips: to Wolkenstein on the Luis Trenker Promenade and the old railway; Pra da Rì in the Langental; Cycling tip: from the Seiser Alm down into Gröden by mountain bike

9 Gadertal/Val Badia 123
Walk 13: Piz Boé, the highest peak in the Sella Group 126
Walk 14: From Stern to the Fanes Group and St. Kassian 130
Walk 15: Wengen and the viles 133
Walk 16: Across the Sennes to the Seekofel Hut 138
Walking tips: Rifugio Scotoni; Heiligkreuz pilgrimage church; Val di Molins; Cycling tip: from St. Martin towards Brixen; Fanes and Sennes by mountain bike

10 Fassatal/Val di Fassa 140
Walk 17: From Ciampedié to Paolina 144
Walk 18: From Mazzin to the Vajolet Hut via the Antermoia Hut 146
Walk 19: The Bindelweg 153
Walking tip: Val Contrin; Walking and cycling tip: from Penìa to Pozza and Moèna

11 Fleimstal/Val di Fiemme 156
Walk 20: Laghi di Colbricon 159

12 Primiero Valley 160
Walk 21: Round Pala di San Martino 162

13 Agordino 165
Walk 22: From the Falzàrego Pass round Averau and Nuvolau 169
Walk 23: Under the walls of Civetta 173
Walking tips: stroll through the viles; Col di Lana

14 Ampezzo 175
Walk 24: Round the Drei Zinnen/Tre Cime di Lavaredo 181
Walking tip: Monte Piana from the Bosi Hut

15 Cadore 183
NavnDolomites Book 1: North and West: 35 long and short walks
ForfatterDietrich Höllhuber
ForlagSunflower Books
229,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:Kan skaffes

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