The Camino Ingles and Ruta do Mar - Cicerone Press

Guidebook to the Camino Inglés and Ruta do Mar camino routes through north-west Spain to Santiago de Compostela. The 116km Camino Inglés begins in Ferrol in Galicia and takes around a week to complete. It offers reliable waymarking, pilgrim facilities, and the opportunity to earn the Compostela certificate on completion. An alternative start in A Coruña gives a walk of 73km. The Ruta do Mar from Ribadeo provides a 190km coastal link between the Camino del Norte and the Camino Inglés. A newly recovered camino, its pilgrim infrastructure and waymarking is less well developed, but for those seeking solitude it offers striking scenery along a wild coastline. The book also includes an overview of a continuation route from Santiago to 'the end of the world' at Finisterre on the Atlantic coast.

The guidebook presents the route in stages of a day's walking. In addition to the route description, there is full information on facilities, food and lodging, 1:100,000 scale maps of the route and town maps for key locations. With notes on preparation and planning, travel and equipment, a list of useful sources of information, and a glossary, the book is an indispensable companion for any one walking these caminos.

The Camino Inglés
Stage 1 Ferrol to Pontedeume
Stage 2 Pontedeume to Betanzos
Stage 3 Betanzos to Hospital de Bruma
Stage 4 Hospital de Bruma to Sigüeiro
Stage 5 Sigüeiro to Santiago de Compostela
Alternative start A Coruña to Hospital de Bruma

The Ruta do Mar
Stage 1 Ribadeo to Praia das Catedrais
Stage 2 Praia das Catedrais to Foz
Stage 3 Foz to San Cibrao
Stage 4 San Cibrao to Viveiro
Stage 5 Viveiro to Cuiña
Stage 6 Cuiña to Teixido
Stage 7 Teixido to Xubia

The Camino Finisterre
Stage 1 Santiago de Compostela to Negreira
Stage 2 Negreira to Olveiroa
Stage 3 Olveiroa to Finisterre
NavnThe Camino Ingles and Ruta do Mar
ForfatterLaura Perazzoli & Dave Whitson
ForlagCicerone Press
Kun 1 tilbage
209,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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