Scotland - ITMB Publishing Ltd.

Scotland is an ever-popular travel destination, full of castles, battlefields, interesting urban areas, and the grandeur of space that is so difficult to find in crowded England. A separate country until agreeing to merge with other entities in 1707 to create the United Kingdom, Scotland is still fiercely independent and the worst insult one can offer a Scot is to ask what part of England he comes from. At the moment, Brexit is consuming all efforts in Scotland, so this edition of our map does not show significant changes, but we have added a Top Attractions list to aid users in finding the best of the best. We have not changed the ISBN with this printing (or the price), but have updated all necessary information and are pleased to be able to get this map back into print reasonably quickly.
Målestok1 : 370.000
ForlagITMB Publishing Ltd.
Kun 1 tilbage
125,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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Om serien:

ITMB Publishing Ltd. - An International Travel Map
ITM An International Travel Map Canadisk kortforlag med en omfattende kortproduktion med over 350 kort. Kortene dækker især rejsemål i Latinamerika, Caribien, Afrika, Asien, Nordamerika og Mellmøsten. Samme forlag laver også små atlas i A5 til udvalgte lande/områder. Kortene har en god kartografi, der gør dem let læselige. På kortene er markeret nationalparker, og andre fredede områder, såvel som nationale monumenter.

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