Walking on Harris and Lewis - 30 day walks exploring the isl - Cicerone Press

This guidebook describes 30 day walks all over the Isles of Harris and Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides. The walks range from 2 and 14 miles (4 to 22km) in length, and are easily accessible from Stornaway or Tarbet.

Routes vary from short strolls to long wilderness hikes, high-level and low-level, and include the An Cliseam horseshoe, visits to ancient historic monuments like the stone circles of Calanais and the famous Butt of Lewis lighthouse, all illustrated with OS 1:50,000 maps and dramatic photography.

The routes take in most of the main summits as well as historical and geographical places of interest. A list of all the Marilyns (British hills of any height with a drop of at least 150m on all sides) on Harris, Lewis and St Kilda is included at the back. Tips are also included about walking on St Kilda, Berneray, Taransay, The Shiant Islands and The Flannan Isles, along with a short Gaelic glossary and route summary table, and advice on practicalities to make the most out of any walking trip on Harris and Lewis.

1 Ceapabhal and Toe Head
2 Roineabhal from Roghadal
3 Coast to Coast on the Coffin Route
4 Beinn Dhubh
5 The Scholars Path'
6 Scalpay
7 Circuit of Tòdun from Urgha
8 Cleit Ard
9 Liuthaid and Mullach a' Ruisg
10 The Skeaudale Horseshoe
11 An Cliseam Horseshoe from Àird a' Mhulaidh
12 Stulabhal, Tèileasbhal and Uisgneabhal Mòr
13 Muladal, Ulabhal, Oireabhal and Cleiseabhal
14 Tiorga Mòr
15 Huiseabhal Mòr, Oireabhal and Huiseabhal Beag

16 Ceann Loch Rèasort from Loch Ròg Beag
17 Griomabhal, Naideabhal a-Muigh and Laibheal
18 Mealaisbhal, Cracabhal and Laibheal a Tuath
19 Tamanasbhal, Teinneasabhal, Tahabhal and Tarain
20 Suaineabhal from Cairisiadar
21 Bhalasaigh to Bostadh on Great Bernera
22 Calanais Standing Stones
23 Dun Chàrlabhaigh and the Gearrannan Blackhouses
24 West Side Coastal Path
25 Beinn Bhragair
26 Around the Butt of Lewis
27 Heritage Walk between Tolstadh and Port Nis
28 A walk to the tidal island of Eilean Chaluim Chille
29 The deserted village of Stiomrabhaigh
30 Beinn Mhòr

Walks on St Kilda and Other Islands
NavnWalking on Harris and Lewis - 30 day walks exploring the isl
ForfatterRichard Barrett
ForlagCicerone Press
Kun 4 tilbage
229,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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