111 places in Glasgow - That you shouldn't miss -

Glasgow was once known as the Second City of the British Empire - the powerhouse of the industrial revolution, a great port and merchant city whose architectural and cultural magnificence hid a darker side of urban poverty and squalor. Today the heavy industry is long gone, and 21st-century Glasgow is comfortable in its role as a smaller, cleaner, greener city, a vibrant and stylish centre for the arts and learning, now even more friendly and culturally diverse. With a wealth of insider's local knowledge and engaging anecdotes, 111 Places in Glasgow That You Shouldn't Miss will guide you round a huge variety of intriguing sights, unique venues and surprising corners of this great city, helping you understand how the people made Glasgow and how Glasgow made its people.
Navn111 places in Glasgow - That you shouldn't miss
ForfatterTom Shields
Kun 1 tilbage
249,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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