Oman & Yemen

Oman & Yemen - ITMB Publishing Ltd.

Forlaget skriver
We were in Oman a couple of weeks before year end and certify that it is a safe ans attractive country to visit; completely different from its neighbours. The main city is Muscat, which has an inset map on the country side of the sheet, as well as a map of Salalah, in the far west of the country. The road network of the country is well developed, with several crossings to the UAE. Unfortunately, none are avaiable to Saudi Arabia, and the crossing to Yemen, while open, is not advised, due to on-going fighting. Oman also has two enclaves surrounded by UAE; a small one north of Fujairah, and another at the northern tip of the peninsula, Separating the Gulf of Oman from the Persian ( or Arabic) Gulf. Oman has a long history and an interesting culture, and is well worth a visit. The other side of the sheet consists of a detailed map of Yemen which, although it is an interesting part of the world. Inset maps of Sana'a and Taizz are included, as well as of the strategically-located island of Socotra (Suqutra), guarding the entrance to the Red Sea. Altogether, this is a map of a very interesting part of the world.
NavnOman & Yemen
Målestok1 : 1,3 mio.
ForlagITMB Publishing Ltd.
Kun 1 tilbage
115,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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ITMB Publishing Ltd. - Travel Reference Map
ITM Et canadisk forlag med en omfattende kortproduktion - over 350 kort. Kortene dækker stort set hele verden. Deres force er kort til Afrika, Asien, Canada, Caribien, Euopa, Mellemøsten og Latinamerika. Til nogle lande laves også små vejatas i A5 format.

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