Africa Western - ITMB Publishing Ltd.

This map, at 1:3.400.000 scale is ideal for travellers crossing Africa from Europe to central and southern parts of Africa by land. It covers from the southern tip of Spain through Morocco and western Algeria on one side to Mauritania and the Bight of Benin states of West Africa, as far east as western Nigeria. As a regional map, the detail provided is unsurpassed by any other map of this part of the world. It is the most detailed map to date of the West African states of Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. As is always the case with Africa, road information is presented in practical terms of road quality, not road designation. This is a practical map for travellers, so information has been provided with the greatest degree of accuracy possible, given that reliable information can be extremely difficult to determine. This is very much a map in progress, and we would welcome comments about it to assist future editions. The spelling of place names is as would be known in English, so Cote D'Ivoire is Ivory Coast.
NavnAfrica Western
Målestok1 : 1:3.400.000
OmrådeAfrika vest
ForlagITMB Publishing Ltd.
Kun 1 tilbage
125,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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Om serien:

ITMB Publishing Ltd. - An International Travel Map
ITM An International Travel Map Canadisk kortforlag med en omfattende kortproduktion med over 350 kort. Kortene dækker især rejsemål i Latinamerika, Caribien, Afrika, Asien, Nordamerika og Mellmøsten. Samme forlag laver også små atlas i A5 til udvalgte lande/områder. Kortene har en god kartografi, der gør dem let læselige. På kortene er markeret nationalparker, og andre fredede områder, såvel som nationale monumenter.

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