Washington D.C. - Michelin

Completely revised Michelin Green Guide Washington DC gives you an insider look at the United States' capital.
Detailed maps and floor plans of major sites help you explore the White House, discover historic Georgetown or wander down the Mall, home to America's finest museums.
Unbiased reviews suggest the best restaurants, accommodation and activities Washington DC has to offer, from a Potomac boating cruise to George Washington's estate at Mount Vernon.

This travel guide to Washington also includes excursions, driving and walking tours so that you can make the most of your time.To navigate the myriad historic sights of our nation's capital and discover some off-the-beaten-path gems, turn to the updated Michelin Green Guide Washington DC. Attractions and activities are reviewed through Michelin's star-rating system. Visit the White House, stroll past gleaming marble monuments, tour priceless museum collections; and go on a driving or walking tour. Included in the guide are recommendations for great places to eat and stay. Maps, color photos and fascinating cultural information complete the picture to create a memorable vacation. Perfect for travellers seeking enriching experiences and in-depth information on their destination. Star-rated activities and detailed visitor information - Unique driving & walking tours - Colourful, easy-to-read maps throughout - Lively introductions to the area, its people & culture - Restaurant & hotel tips - Family friendly advice - Walk-through of major museums, galleries, churches and attractions
NavnWashington D.C.
OmrådeDistrict of Columbia
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199,00 kr
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fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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Om serien:

Michelin - Green Guide
Michelin Green Guide Forlaget har siden 1900 udgivet tusindvis af rejseguider og landekort. Den grønne serie indeholder introduktion til områdets historie og kunst fulgt af en detaljeret alfabetisk oversigt over steder af interesse. Deres specielle, høje format, de mange kort, stjerneklassifikationen af seværdigheder og den fine layout gør dem lette at bruge.

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