Cuba - Apa Publications Lt

From the vibrancy and crumbling colonial façades of its capital, Havana, to its white-sand beaches, pulsating music scene and fascinating history, Cuba is a truly unique destination.
Be inspired to visit with our new Insight Guide Cuba, a comprehensive full-colour guide to this enchanting country.

Stunning photography brings this delightful country and its people to life.
Highlights of the country's top attractions, from revolution monuments to lush greenery, time-warped towns like Trinidad, and world-class cigar factories.
Descriptive region-by-region accounts cover the whole country from the sensual capital, Havana, to sleepy Cienfuegos and the cultural hub of Santiago de Cuba.
Detailed, high-quality maps throughout will help you get around and the A-Z section will give you all the essential information for planning a memorable trip.
ForlagApa Publications Lt
199,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:Kan skaffes

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Om serien:

Apa Publications Lt - Insight Guides
Inspirerende rejseguider med informative afsnit om befolkningen, historien, kunsten, madkulturen mm. Inddelt i områder og byer og med masser af farvefotos. Bliv inspireret før, efter og under rejsen.

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